Author, preacher, podcaster, traveler, coffee virtuoso, ardent admirer of C.S. Lewis and Teddy Roosevelt, fountain pen addict.

Mark Roberts' Books
The Sermon on the Mount for Everyone
The Sermon on the Mount is often seen as a high and lofty standard that’s hard to grasp and even harder to live out. This book makes Jesus' timeless teachings approachable and practical, as if a group of believers were gathered at a coffee shop, discussing how His words apply to everyday life. Join in as Mark guides you through this life-changing sermon, showing how the greatest sermon ever preached can shape and strengthen your walk with God.
This book is available in both paperback and Kindle formats.
Understanding Apocalyptic Literature: A Guide to the Book of Revelation
Frightened by the last book of the Bible? It's not nearly as scary as it may seem once we understand the type of material the book of Revelation contains, and its purposes for the original readers. An easy read that will help you better understand and grasp Revelation's powerful message.
Now available for Logos Bible software:
Romans for Everyone (Coffee and the Bible Series)
Romans is famed for being complicated and complex - a theological treatise the average person won't get and can't benefit from. This book opens Romans up, as if a small group of Christians were sitting in a coffee shop reading and talking over what Paul wrote to the church in Rome long ago. Join in the study as Mark guides you through this incredible book!
FREE! Download a study guide to go with Romans for Everyone that will help a Bible class, small group study or even solo Bible student get more out of Romans and Romans for Everyone.
Am I Ready?
Mark wrote this workbook to help the young person who grows up going to church and may express an interest in baptism at an early age. What should a parent do? Answer: have the child work through this workbook! This workbook is expressly designed to help parents (and the student) assess their readiness to become a Christian.
Evelyn's Lighthouse
This book was authored with Mark's 11-year old niece, Patience Clevenger. It is a historically accurate novel that details life at the famed Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota in 1924. A great read for middle school and teen-age readers who want to learn about lighthouses, life in the 1920s and solve a mystery threatening the Split Rock Light station!
Today I finished a book that’s more than a devotional book. It’s a study of Romans. It’s fantastic!!! I enjoyed this book so much!
- SF, via Facebook
The author does a superb job at taking a book that the world has managed to make difficult and presenting it in a way that is easy for the average person to understand as well as showing the how practical it is for us today.
- T via Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars. If you have young daughters who love reading and mysteries, then this book will be a winner!
- KB via Amazon